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Hamara Ghar Memory Cafe - 29.11.18

The session started off with the A to Z activity with 13 participants.  They started off steady then it got a little difficult as they could not identify other words; with some encouragement, however, they were able to finish it with fun and laughter. A few of the individuals had very interesting experiences to share with all. When they were young,  one participant went travelling around India with group of 20 women, this including camping.  Another gentleman remembered when he lived in Africa he had a shop where the Queen was shopping the day she became the Queen after her father  had died.  The same gentleman recognised many of the pictures he was shown of Africa and he said one of the hospitals was named after a son of someone important. Overall the session was very much enjoyed by the group and they thought it was interesting and would like SubCo to do more sessions with them.

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