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Hibiscus Memory Cafe - 4.12.18

10 participants attended the session. The first activity was to identify pictures of pop stars from the '60s and '70s, which we thought would be more suitable and familiar to the group.  From looking at the pictures some of the individuals got singing to the songs. This brought back old memories, and they were comfortable in the group to share these memories.  With the A to Z activity they struggled at first to come up with words to describe Hibiscus as a few of the individuals had dementia. However, half way through some of them started to come up with more words.  Finally we did the memory tree, this bought back old memories when they were a child and they laughed about their experiences.  One individual said she used to get into trouble as a child for talking too much and being cheeky.  "I remember when I got my 3 layered pink dress which was very special to me."  “In Jamaica people used to say the ground in England is made of gold, so when I landed I picked up something thinking its gold but it was just gum.” They all laughed very much at each other’s stories.


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